

Project Stepping Stone (PSS) has provided wings to Indiana Latino high school students for over fifteen years. We support and believe in PSS because we know the power that education gives students, their families, and communities. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of young people find their wings. PSS continues to be a launching pad for top Latino youth throughout Indiana.

one week can
change lives

PSS is a one-week intensive college prep program aimed at Indiana Latino high school students who are currently in their sophomore and junior academic years. These years are critical in allowing PSS students to learn about college and how to access it. Below are a few critical learnings and experiences that students will engage with during a PSS week:

Meeting new friends

All PSS students will make friends with other “like-minded” students who are determined to successfully graduate from college.

personal growth

Daily activities and workshops allow students develop teamwork, build personal etiquette, take character assessments and create basic resumés.

campus visits

During PSS Week, students visit five to six universities and colleges throughout Indiana. They sleep and eat on campus while traveling to campuses on charter buses. Here, they truly experience campus life first-hand.


PSS mentors are vital to connect with PSS students during the week. Through one-on-one relationships and discussions, students become open to “see their future.” This motivates each student in a special way to achieve academic and personal success.

mock interviews and job fair

Towards the end of PSS week, students participate in formal interviews with volunteer corporate representatives from over 20 companies. Students dress in business attire to experience this one-of-a-kind event.


PSS students’ lives are changed during the week. Parents arrive to witness the graduation of their children at a formal commencement program. Scholarships are awarded to many students at the end of the event.